send us a message photos and videos of our place and the region ecotourism, courses, conservation projects general information, prices, photos Great spot in Bahia Introduction to our mission

We offer you the opportunity for you to come to Brazil and enjoy the nature - beach and jungle -meet the local people and participate in the most beautiful and traditional parties (like carnival). All this with safety and specialist advice and, above all, in a manner that preserves the jungle, the beach and the integrity of the local inhabitants.

Preservation: We are commited to preserve the fauna and flora of this wonderful place.

For this purpose we develop various activities.

You can also buy land in our neighbouring area to ensure that it will not be destroyed! Plots are available from £ 2 / sq meter.


From our privileged location you will be able to enjoy the paradisiacal beach nearby and also the jungle and its rivers.

There is also easy access to the capital city of Salvador, where the largest party in the world takes place during the summer: The salvador carnival!

Although most tourists in the area prefer to stay only around the beaches, possibly because the ignore the interesting features of the jungle, we find that the jungle environment is as pleasant as the beach. Especially during sun peak times, when it is very hard to be outside even using a sun screen. The trees provide natural shadow and freshness, and we can still swim in the rivers.


Exotic fruits and plenty of fresh seafood

Another interesting feature of the areas away from the beach is the development of agriculture. Our area is famous for its delicious pineapples, but a range of tropical and exotic fruits are also grown, namely cocoa, cupuacu, mangaba, mangoes, coconuts etc.... We also get fresh milk from the local farms. Fresh fish, octopus, lobster and prawns can be obtained on the beach during the morning, when the fisherman arrive.

We are very integrated with the jungle so that we do not offer luxurious expensive accommodation. In fact, we do not need air conditioning, for instance, because we have the fresh breeze from the jungle all day.


Real ecotourism

The activities we offer include horse riding, trekking, swimming (river and/or sea), cycling, cayaque (down the river and into the sea). You are welcome to bring your own equipment. Trancoso beach is suitable for kite surf and wind surf .

In the jungle you will see exotic trees and flowers, various mammals and birds.

The night sky in the jungle is incredible, and the Milky way can display a lot of its beauty. This visual combined with the sound of the nocturnal insects and the wandering of fireflies make itan unforgettable experience.